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Re: IP-Accounting HOWTO?

On Thu, May 22, 1997 at 06:59:50AM +0200, Benedikt Eric Heinen wrote:
> Is there an IP-Accounting HOWTO available anywhere? (Or is there anyone
> who could supply a couple of good tips).
>   So far, I've managed to set rules for the IP accounting via ipfwadm (and
> the kernel has IP-Accounting support), but *where* do I retrieve the
> accounting information -- I haven't seen anything hinting towards that?

They're in /proc/net/ip_acct; you might be able to get ipfwadm
to give you them in a nicer format. I just wrote a perl script
to clean it up, summarize and mail it out daily. But nothing
generic, it depends on the order of the items in the ip_acct
file, etc.

Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust                    moffatt@yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT.
http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~moffatt (PGP key here) CPOM: [****      ] 46%
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