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Re: Metrolink Motif


I also got Motif 2.0.1 from Metrolink and I actually have different
question to you. What moitf archive you decided to install: rpm or tar?
In any case, cpuuld you please check the user/group ownerships of the
files from this motif archives. 
(like  ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/Motif.* )
I myself got some strange numbers instead of some real users (like root)
and groups (like bin). It happend with both rpm and tar archives.
After I upgraded tar from 1.11.8-11 to 1.12-1 I managed to get reasonable
ownerships (bin/bin) but only with tar archive. rpm still gives strange

I used alien_3.3 to convert rpm to .deb, but since ownerships were still
bad, I just made a simple slackware .tgz package, it is not hard at all,
you just have to modify motif.install file to look like slackware's
doinst.sh and repack everything in a single motif-2.0.1.tgz file.
After that I again used alien_3.3 to convert that to .deb.

!!!! Suprisingly, alien_5 didn't work for this purpors. It does not
convert .tgz packages properly. (after installation I still have /install
directory). - Does anyone have any idea why?

Alex Y.

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