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Can't start xsession, help


I have the following problem - after "successful"
login in the xdm login window xdm starts xsession
but it immediately terminates and I see xdm welcome
again. I'm running Debian linux, installed less
than month ago from one of mirror-debian ftp sites.
I was trying to set up PPP with dynamic IP address,
and for some stupid reason commented out line in 
/etc/hosts with name of my PC and it's IP
address and then rebooted it. After doing it I can't
start xsession. Actually X starts executing /etc/X11/Xsession
file - I can see root window color, which is
set up from there, for a second, but it won't open xterminals
and quits. I guess X now considers computer as
a "foreign" host, and it's host-control terminates the
session. But then I logged in from alt console and
edited /etc/hosts file back as it was, but X behaves
the same way, terminates 1 second after starting.
Could anybody help with this?



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