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net-acct and a ppp dial-in server


I've been trying to get nacctd to work with a dial-in server.

To get traffic figures per user I need to create lookup files in
/var/run, each one is named with the remote IP and contains the
username of whoever is using that address.

pppd will delete the files after the user has logged off, that's easy,
as ppp has a setting for a command to run on disconnection.

It's creating the files that's driving me crazy.

I tried this script from mgetty instaed of just the call 
to pppd:

/usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login defaultroute proxyarp
whereisuser=`w | grep $1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 `
addressuser=`grep $whereisuser /etc/hosts | expand | tr -s ' ' | \ 
	cut -d ' ' -f 1`
echo $1 > /var/run/$addressuser    

and the clients can dial-in OK, but the latter part (from wherisuser
on) doesn't get run until the client logs out (ie after pppd dies), so
the greps fail and no file is written. Before the pppd there is no way
of telling who the user is ( Just AutoPPP!).

I need to know how much traffic each user is generating, as I suspect
that some are setting up servers at home that are just a bit illegal
here in sunny Queensland (come to Queensland and turn the clock back
25 years!). 

Surely someone somewhere has got nacctd working with mgetty and ppp
for dynamic IP.

Any suggestions at all are welcome, as I'm starting to really hate
this machine!

John Foster

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