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Re: Programming languages: where to start?

On Wed, 14 May 1997, Johann Spies wrote:

> I have been experimenting with debian now for about 8 months and have some
> experience in programming in a Dos-environment using languages like
> Turbopascal, PDC-prolog, DBASE III and Basic earlier on.
> I seems to me that to be able to enjoy the power of Linux, I should be
> able to do some Linux programming.
> Where should I start?  C, C++, Perl, Python, Tk, Bash script language,
> AWK, SQL, itcl?
> When programming in the past I wrote menu-based small databases most of
> the time and I would like to be able to write programs that are 
> useful to me and that can be ported to a Dos/Windows environment because
> none of my colleagues are Linux-users.   I have tentatively started
> working on a book 'Learn C++ Today' together with some documentation on gcc.
> Which is the best way from here?

My preference would be to go for python and C with the addition of awk for
short peices of one of code.

Python is a nice langauge for rapid development of code. The code that it
produces is generally inclined to be well structured and can be read 6
months after it has been written.

The language has been ported to a huge number of platforms including unix,
dos, nt/win95, amiga os and others.

Where speed is critcal the modular structure of python code means that you
can use C replace speed dependant portions of your code in a seamless

C is good language to learn simply because in learning it you get a head
start on learning most of the other languages which have grown up in the
unix environment.


ps. I also use python to access SQL databases :-) 

in real life: Joseph Skinner         |There's no such thing as a wizard
email: joe@earthlight.co.nz          |who minds his own business
       jskinner@es.co.nz             | - Berengis the Black
http:  www.earthlight.co.nz/users/joe|   Court Mage to the Earls Caeline

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