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mcopy and hdimage


I am having trouble writing the /var/lib/dosemu/hdimage file for
configuration of dosemu.  I have mtools-3.5a-1 installed on my system
and my /etc/mtools.conf file contains the following line:

    drive g: file="/var/lib/dosemu/hdimage" partition=1 offset=128

When I try to copy a file to the hdimage I get the following:

    leisure# mcopy config.emu g:
    Copying config.emu
    Short write 0 instead of 181

A directory listing of hdimage gives me the following:

    leisure# mdir g:
     Volume in drive G is DOSEMU     
     Volume Serial Number is 1234-5678
     Directory for G:/

    ipl      sys     54944 03-30-1997  11:16a
    kernel   exe    100592 03-30-1997  11:17a
    command  com     38192 03-30-1997  11:17a
    autoexec bat        43 03-15-1997   8:15a
    bootoff  com        12 04-16-1997   7:41p
    booton   com        12 04-16-1997   7:41p
    cdrom    sys       840 04-16-1997   7:41p
    chdir    exe     10692 11-05-1995   4:46a
    compile  bat       636 07-03-1996   7:30a
    config   sys       181 12-16-1995   8:58a
    dosdbg   com      9054 11-05-1995   4:46a
    dumpconf exe       842 11-05-1995   4:46a
    eject    com        16 04-16-1997   7:41p
    ems      sys       404 04-16-1997   7:41p
    emufs    sys       660 04-16-1997   7:41p
    emumouse com      9176 11-05-1995   4:46a
    emumouse exe      8821 11-05-1995   4:46a
    exitemu  com        16 04-16-1997   7:41p
    fossil   com       268 04-16-1997   7:41p
    getcwd   exe      4158 11-05-1995   4:46a
    isemu    com      5778 11-05-1995   4:46a
    lancheck exe     49890 11-05-1995   4:46a
    lredir   com      8050 11-05-1995   4:46a
    mgarrot  com       354 11-05-1995   4:46a
    system   exe      4662 11-05-1995   4:46a
    unix     com      8898 11-05-1995   4:46a
    vgaoff   com         8 04-16-1997   7:41p
    vgaon    com        32 04-16-1997   7:41p
    autoexec emu         0 05-08-1997   5:58p autoexec.emu
    config   emu         0 05-13-1997   4:50p config.emu
           30 file(s)           317 231 bytes
                                806 912 bytes free

Any ideas why mcopy is not working in this situation?



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