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Re: printcap for SUN Solaris 2.0

Guerlain Appriou wrote:
> I am using /etc/printcap under SUN-OS and I'd like to export this file onto
> SUN SOLARIS 2.0. Which file should I write this to? Is there any changes to
> make?

1) This is a Debian Linux list, not a SunOS/Solaris list.

2) In answer to your query, printing is *completely* different
   between SunOS/Solaris. SunOS uses the BSD LPR style of printing
   while Solaris uses a heinous (SVR4-derived, I think) style of
   printing where you have to run all kinds of commands--I don't
   think there's a single "file" to edit to tell you the truth.
   I don't envy you--I had to transition and it wasn't fun.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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