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Re: PPP doesn't like anyone but root???

Craig Sanders <cas@taz.net.au> writes:

> NOTE: doing making pppd setuid root is a potential security hole.
> alternatively, write a wrapper shell script which calls pppd with the
> appropriate parameters, and then configure sudo or super to allow
> certain users/groups to run your shell script as root.

I strongly recommend that you use sudo, super, or only launch pppd as
root rather than making pppd suid root.  sudo's easy to use, and much

You don't even need the wrapper script (at least not with sudo), it'll
take arguments for the command it's going to execute as root.  So if
you enable sudo access to pppd for yourself, you can just say (for

  sudo pppd file /etc/ppp.options_out connect 'chat -f /etc/ppp.chatscript'

to launch pppd.

Note that you *can* use a wrapper script if you want, but you don't
have to.


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