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Re: failed installation of 1.2 on thinkpad. Tips?

Thanks for the reply.

Nathan E Norman <nnorman@cfni.com> writes:
| What kind of Thinkpad is this?  Not all require the floppy=thinkpad

It's a 760EL.
The floppy drive is external.

| option.  I believe the 365 family is one of those - it's been a while
| since I installed Debian on a Thinkpad, but I think I'm correct here :)
| Also, when you rebuilt the kernel image, did you copy it to a floppy
| with a cat or something, or did you make a lilo boot floppy?  If you
| went the cat route, I'm willing to bet that you're passing of the
| floppy=thinkpad option on the rescue floppy is the problem, since a
| generic kernel boot floppy doesn't accept boot options.

[you say `rebuilt...'] The thinkpad runs NT now.  I created the
rescue disk by FTP'ing resc1440.bin and using cat (and later I
tried dd) from my other box that runs Linux.  I've tried both with
and without floppy=thinkpad.  I've tried at least 20 combinations
(using 5-6 different diskettes, Debian 1.2 and the latest) over the
last couple days.

Interestingly, I built the 2.0.30 kernel for my other box and
tried it in the thinkpad and *it* did get past the `loading linux....'
message, it detected various devices and choked because (I vaguely
recall) /dev/fd0 wasn't there.

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