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Re: fetchmail troubles?

On Sat, 10 May 1997, Ciccio wrote:

> pop.arrakis.es, which now is another box. So I touched my .fetchmailrc
> leaving it as this:
> 	poll pop.arrakis.es proto pop3 user ciccio pass XXXXXXXX
********* If that was your real password, change it immediately. ********

> They explained me that---because of 37,000 users--- they had
> decided to use 1 RAID disk system with 2 computers which
> balance load, so that each time I call, pop.arrakis.es may point to
> another IP address. The confusion and data loss, according to their
> explanation is due to (a) that fetchmail deletes the messages before
> they have been transmitted (?!) and (b) that my DNS cache would
> have chosen the wrong address.

If you run fetchmail with the -v option, you will see very clearly that 
(a) is just not true.  If (b) is the answer, then your DNS must have been 
pointing at the old machine (not either of the two new ones) and they 
seem to have stopped their pop server, deleted the mail spool, and then 
re-started the pop server on that machine.  Not a very kind thing to do 
to their customers (in my opinion).  Having two computers share a RAID 
system for load balancing, sounds like both machines can access the data 
on the RAID system at the same time, so it shouldn't matter which of the 
two computers your DNS points you at, you should see the same data -- 
hence the load balancing (of the computers -- I assume).

The question I would be asking the ISP is: how did they move the mail 
from the old machine to the new configuration?  From what you have 
described, I'm a little suspicious that they might not have moved 
anything (and hence your sudden loss of mail).  I don't mean to be 
alarmist, just trying to explain the thoughts that are running through my 


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