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Re: latex/databases

>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Telmer <telmerco@qed.econ.queensu.ca> writes:

 Colin> I am beginning a review of a literature on the relations
 Colin> between the governments of Canada and will be writing small
 Colin> summary reports on each article/book/etc. Rather than just
 Colin> filling a directory with latex files, I am wondering if the is
 Colin> a simple-to-use database that I could use to store and
 Colin> manipulate these reports? That's quite an open-ended question
 Colin> and I am happy with filling a directory with latex articles,
 Colin> but I thought I would ask if there is a practical
 Colin> alternative. My first thought was to just use bibtex and store
 Colin> the report in the optional notes section, but that doesn't
 Colin> seem like the best way to go if the report is anything beyond
 Colin> an abstract. Any thoughts, no matter how off base they may
 Colin> seem to be, are welcome. Cheers, Colin.

I'd use qddb.  Is a flat text database based on tcl/tk.


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