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mgetty "auto-telnet" ??

I have a Digiboard Portserver II on my LAN that I currently have modems
"hanging off" of.  I've configured it so that any incoming terminal
connections are automatically "telnetted" to another location.  This works
great; however, there are some *serious* performance problems associated
with the Digiboard PSII.  It is *contstantly* "pausing" - i.e. no traffic
passes through it for anywhere from 5 to 45 seconds - then everything goes
back to normal.  Very, very strange!

Anyway, I want to "dump" this $2000 box for a basic Debian GNU/Linux box
running on a 486 and a 16port Bocaboard (which I've used and am *very*
happy with).  So, to get down to my question:

Do you have any idea on how to setup mgetty to automatically telnet an
incoming connection to another system.  (i.e. anyone connecting to ttyS31
should be automatically telnetted to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.)


Kevin Traas
Systems Analyst
Edmondson Roper CA

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