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Re: [INSTALL]:novice questions

Rick Jones <rickya@siservices.net> writes:

> On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, Pavel Galynin wrote:

> > 	5. Could you give me some pointers to info about building a kernel with
> > custom drivers, lilo config etc., all the novice questions, so that I
> > could RTFM and not bother people on the list with stupid questions.

>From http://www.debian.org/docs.html there is a list of lots of useful
documentation. I'd suggest there is a good place to start looking.
For compiling a kernel, the Kernel-Howto is where you should start,
and this is available from http://www.li.org/Resources/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO.html

The below advice however is a summary of how to compile a kernel.

> Get the kernel source pkg.  Do make config (line oriented) or make
> menuconfig (fair menu with help) or make xconfig (GUI menu needs X).
> After you select all the drivers etc.. you want save and type the
> following at the console prompt:
> 	make dep ; make clean ; make zlilo
> and if you have modules
> 	make modules ; make module_install

That should be "make modules_install" (the original author confirms it as 
a typo).

N.b If "make xconfig" gives an error telling you that it can't connect
to the display, then you need to do something like the following to
give the root account access to the cookies needed to display on your
X session:

1) use X as root 


2) slogin -l root localhost
(requires the ssh package from the non-us mirror, but works from an xterm)

3) cd ~root
   ln -s ~username/.Xauthority .
(this needs to be done as root, and means that root's Xauthority file
is a symbolic link to yours - nb replace username by your username.

Hope this helps.


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