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pointer: guard your /etc/modules

At some point I absent-mindledly upgraded some package (modutils?) and
ended up losing the "io=0x300" option from the line in my /etc/modules
that loaded the ne2000 driver. It took me about an hour to figure out
because when my machine tried to boot and xdm started, my X server would
fail to start, but xdm would keep restarting it (that's what it does),
so my screen would be switching between text and graphics modes fairly
quickly and scaring me.

When I booted from a rescue disk, it still didn't know what IO port my
ethernet card wanted and I got the same problem. I had to boot single
user and poke around my system until I figured out what the problem was.

I can't really report this as a bug because it was probably my fault for
absent-mindedly upgrading.

Consider yourselves warned.


"Who ordered the London Philharmonic Orchestra? Possibly while high?
Cypress hill? I'm looking at you?..." - an extra on The Simpsons

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