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Clint Adams <schizo@simons-rock.edu> writes:

> >  I couldn't find any include files... where are they?
> > (I know nothing about stl).
> They're in /usr/include/g++
> For container classes, you'll need to use /usr/bin/genclass
> See the Info documentation for libg++.

I don't know what genclass is, but I've never needed it to handle STL
code.  I just #include whichever stl headers I need, and that's it.
The stl headers don't have any special names, so you can't just look
in include/stl/* or anything.  There is a catch all stl.h, but your
compilations will be a little faster if you only include the stl
headers you need.

Sample stl headers are:

  #include <map>
  #include <vector>

I did recompile g++ to include the template repository patch so that I
don't get massive code bloat, but other than that, it's just normal
stl code.

If you want to learn more about STL, I recommend:


They are both good, and one contains a pointer to SGI's (or HP's, I
can't recall which) online docs.


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