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Dosemu bug: kernel version


I still don't really understand how to report a bug.

I've read the page -- waiting for the English version to
come out. :)

Dosemu in frozen (bo) -- demands a certain kernel version,
which I didn't have at install time.  Instead of putting things
back like they are, it broke my existing dosemu.  I had to
either build a new kernel or go fish out an old (rex) version
of dosemu, to have access to it again.

I did both; reinstalling the old dosemu works, and so does
building a new (2.0.30) kernel.

Is there any plans to simplify bug reporting -- maybe
an html fill-in form?

By the way -- Debian flies now.  You can sit on top of the CPU, 
strap the UPS to the box -- and fly around on it.  No kidding.

 Christopher W. Hafey                              (1:142/540)
 chris@river.org                | 1078 New Britain Ave Apt 217
 WA1TNR since 1974              | W Hartford Ct USA 06110-2434
 http://www.tingri.ml.org       | tel. 860-236-5400

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