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Re: Do teTeX packages work well?

Mark Phillips <mark@ist.flinders.edu.au> writes:

Hi all

> Why don't we reorganize TeX for debian as follows: get rid of unneccessary
> older TeX packages (which I understand are buggy) and replace them with
> teTeX.  That is, we use teTeX as the basis for debian TeX stuff.  Then we
> could "value add" to teTeX by packaging stuff that it misses - eg all
> the stuff that NTeX has that teTeX doesn't.

That is exactly, what we are doing. It is in bo.

> The other thing is, (and I haven't tried installing teTeX.deb yet so I
> don't know), is there much flexibility with what you do and don't install
> with teTeX?  Does the debian packaging of teTeX allow you flexibility, or
> is it a case of all or nothing?

You have the choice to install a base system and the full
system. Since this is the packaging of the original distribution, it
would be a pain to split it into more packages.

> How easy was it to package teTeX for debian?  I presume teTeX has its own
> packaging system?  Was it easy to convert from the teTeX system to the
> debian system?  If it was difficult, would it be better for Debian to
> concentrate more effort on getting a native TeX distribution to be
> bug free?

It was relatively easy to do package it. The most work was it to make
the decessions on what goes in which package and where to install
it. Also there had to be some work on the install scripts. Now that we
have the packaging upgrading a new upstream version should be very
easy. I hope that I can release the next version in the coming weeks.


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