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Re: so sorry to intrude, but i need help

>>>>> BodakSean  writes:

  Sean> [...] to reach these worlds i have to have some kinda
  Sean> unzipping device and other complicated utilities for a first
  Sean> time user. [...]

To find things out there a web search engine is the place to go.

For example, I pointed my web browser at the URL
http://www.infoseek.com/ and typed "unzip utility".  Guess what
happened.  I got the first ten of a list of 300,000 links about unzip

The first entry was one which explained how to download and install an
unzip utility.

I'm really fond of InfoSeek.  It's the search engine you used to get
when you use the "Internet Search" button of your Netscape browser.
Now they provide pointers to a number of search engines.

There you go.
because I couldn't think of a good beginning.

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