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HTTP Servers

I'm trying to learn a little about web servers, so I downloaded cern-httpd.deb and started it up.
It seems to be working OK except that it errors when I try a POST command.  

Error 500

This server is not configured to handle POST 

I have put 

Enable POST  
Post	/cgi-bin/*	/usr/lib/cern-httpd/cgi-bin/*

in the config file, and kill -SIGHUP 'd it, it still spits out the same error.

Should I continue to play with cern-httpd or should I try another one?   Boa looks promising.
This is for very light duty, I'm on a dialup line and this is mostly a learning tool/toy.  I avoided
Appache because it's fairly large and I really don't need the features.

Any comments or experience would be appreciated.


"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

Rob MacWilliams   robmacw@cl-sys.com

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