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Debian on the shuttle

* Reply to a message in linux-debian-users.

Jason Killen wrote in a message to Dave Van Dijck:

 --==>OT-RSN: MOVED by text!

 JK> From: Jason Killen <jkillen@tinuviel.cs.wcu.edu>
 JK> To: "W. Joseph Mantle" <joe@ajphp1.me.uiuc.edu>
 JK> cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org

 JK> Why does everyone keep saying that X should look like Win 95.  I
 JK> don't want to get into a shouting match about which is easer to use
 JK> and those people who like the Win 95 look and feel can stick with
 JK> it.  I just don't like  the fact that some people feel we should
 JK> masqurade(?), I feel we should give the option of looking like 95
 JK> but is looking like 95 that big of a deal. I guess my tiff is not
 JK> with the people working on making X look like 95 but more with
 JK> people who compare all operating systems and user interfaces with
 JK> Win 95.

 JK> Sorry for the rant...I'll be quiet now.
I think you're absolutely right.  Agreed, there are good things about the win95
desktop that X could use, but not everything about it is good (eg. the start
menu really sucks IMHO, and fvwm already had a thing like that.)

Maybe a new project could be started to create a good desktop that takes a few
good idea's from other desktops like win95 and OS/2's PM, and adds idea's of
it's own.  It has been tried several times before, examples : GREAT, tkdesk,
xfm, xfilemanager, TheNextLevel, etc... but none of them really got me too
What most of them really lacked, was the ability to alter the desktop without
having to edit some config files of some sort.  

Well, waddya say folks?


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