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Re: [OFFTOPIC] rc5-race is running!

>  After analyzing the data, I conclude that we theoretically  have 
> a chance to beat linuxnet. 
>  Our speed has droped 25% compared with yesterday. Linuxnet is running
> at four times our present speed. Today I received about six personals
> from debian users asking about the ftp site, or with other rc5-race questions.  
> I think we do have a decent chance, once we get to position #2 (in about 
> ten days) then we can take another look at our strength.
>  Is the rc5-race package out yet? Four people have requested it since
> yesterday! It is already a popular item, and ideally (and if it is possible)
> it should come with a crontab job to upload the result and get a new keyspace.
> I tell you, we could *easily* compete with linuxnet in two weeks.

Just FYI, I just sic'ed an UltraSparc 2 running Solaris (as debian@debian.org)
on this.

Here's the output of -m:

rc5-56-client: Performance testing with 1000000 crypts
rc5-56-client: Complete in 6.819 seconds. (146650.34 keys/sec)

I hope this helps somewhat...but could you explain the "-socks5" part to

I'm also going to try to get about 2 dozen ancient old Sparc IPC's and
Sparc 1's on the job.  They don't do much these days anyway.

 "I must despise the world which does not know that   | G. Branden Robinson
  music is a higher revelation than all wisdom        | Purdue University
  and philosophy."  -- Ludwig van Beethoven           | branden@purdue.edu

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