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hello all.
I have TWO Debian boxes sitting side by side (plus more, but they aren't
hooked up as of yet)

My problem is:

When DIALD is running, nothing works over ethernet.  If I run TCPDUMP, I
can see traffic going OUT, and I can see the other box sending data, but
not as a response per se.  Machine with modem is a P133 box running the
latest diald from bo, (have never been able to get it to work, with any 
available diald version)  it has a 33.6k modem that I use to get onto the
Internet with.  On the other debian box, I have nothing except ethernet,
for a connection to the outside world.

If DIALD is running, the other machine won't answer ICMP echo requests, or
anything else.  If diald is disabled, ethernet works ok.

I can only attribute it to routing configuration error, or diald just not
allowing things to work.

I've posted this question several times to the list.  I know that there
has to be a way for this to work, because my former roommate had it on his
server this way.  (I can't get a hold of him... he skipped town)

Could someone please give me a hand on this one.  I'm very desperate and
frustrated.  I've read all I can find on the subject of diald+ethernet.

                              Daniel Stringfield  
         mailto:servo@southeast.net http://users.southeast.net/~servo
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