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Apache -- Regarding File Privileges

Apache came configured to try to run cgi scripts out of
/usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin.  Apache was unable to run any cgi scripts because
it couldn't find them despite the fact that apache's configuration file
pointed right to them. 

To make a long story short, it turns out /usr/lib/httpd was owned by root
and had privileges of rwxr_x___ .  So, I changed this directory's
privileges to rwxr_xr_x which let apache read further down the directory
tree, and all is now o.k. 

I worry though about my novice hand changing the privileges on something
so sensitive as the cgi directories.  I was wondering if someone could
post the proper file privileges for and who is supposed to own the files
from /usr/lib/httpd on down.


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