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RE: xdm woes

>>>>> "Walter" == Walter L Preuninger <walterp@rapidramp.com> writes:

    Walter> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- I just finished a
    Walter> fresh install of 1.2, and things seem to be fine for me
    Walter> except that xdm says it starts up, xdm does appear in a ps
    Walter> display, but it never opens up a display. startx and xinit
    Walter> both fire up the xserver.

    Walter> Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

 I had the same thing happen when I upgraded my computer and needed to
install a different Xserver for my new video card.  I'd dpkg --purge'd
the other one, and it removed the X server commmandline from
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers.  The last line should read:

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -bpp 16
... you may leave off the '-bpp 16' and it will default to 8 bit (256)
color, rather than 16bit (65535) color mode.

   __ _                    Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@inetarena.com>
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