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Re: Disk partitioning - recommended sizes

Matt Kracht wrote:
:Partitioning is kind of fun.  Maybe it's just me, but I can almost 
:imagine a cut scene in Batman III where Jim Carrey says, "Riddle me this, 
:Batman!  If I've got a two gig hard drive, how large should /usr be?"

:-) If there's one thing I can recommend it's making sure the swap partition
is the first partition on the drive - the outer cylinders on a drive
usually have the highest data density and thus yield the highest transfer
rate. If you system's going to swap now and then that extra 1 MB/s gained
by moving swap from the last to the first partition is sure worth it. 

Thomas Baetzler, thb@regioservice.de, bath0011@fh-karlsruhe.de
<A HREF="http://www.fh-karlsruhe.de/~bath0011/>Visit my Homepage!</A>
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