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Native Language Support under Linux

  My native language, as that of many others isn't english.  Therefore, even
though I feel the english language is a good language, I kind of want to have
the system produce messages in my native language.

  Seeing that the system has something called a NLS, I set out to explore this
world, for the purpose of having the system talk to me in Icelandic.

  My first trip, was to acquire the sources for the C library, to spot the
sources here and see if there was any real support for my native language, and
here I found that there indeed was something called 'nls' a directory that
contained the messages produced by the C library routines.  Armed with an
editor, I attacked the directory under the tree, and for an hour I encountered
severe battles with files of type 'error.m' and the like, which I overcome
and forced to my native language.  Taking them head on, I did a

  make install

  that forced these changes into a directory '/etc/locale' where now several
'libc.cat' exist, in different languages.  Now, whenever I do a

   touch /

  as a user, I don't read...

touch: /: Permission denied

  but with my LANG environment variable set to 'is', I get...

touch: /: Heimild neitað

  Now, I got enthusiastic... and I acquired the sh-tools.  I wasn't happy with
just getting these messages in my native language.  I wanted to see date

lau 28.des 1996, 03:02:54 CET

  Instead of the well known...

sat des 28 03:02:54 CET 1996

  according to the setting in my locale, as given by the data gotten from the
wg15-locale.deb package.  Compiling this package didn't help any... so, I
went GNU, and ackuired the newest release of shell-utils from MIT.  Here,
running configure, I saw the faul bastard, that was hindering my date to
arrive... they didn't accept my 'strftime' routine... so GNU used it's own,
and so did Debian shell-utils.  Their own versions of 'strftime', bypassing
the C-libraries built in configuration for NLS support... knowing, I 
disposed of the traitor... and recompiled with NLS support... and, of course,
the proper LOCALEDIR set to /usr/share/locale instead of GNU's default
/usr/local/share/locale.  Now, my eyes spotted something called 'gettext' and
a directory 'po' in the GNU sh-utils package... armed with native power, I
entered and encountered several 'po' files... 'de.po', 'fr.po' and even a
'sv.po' (those swedes are everywhere ;-).  The 'sv.po' being closest to me
kin, I took them on and after a long battle... an 'is.po' came to the rescue.
Finally, I did a 'make install'... committing all these 'po'es to the
locale, and now V-time has given me the pleasure of seeing date display:

lau 28.des 1996, 03:03:54 CET

  according to my locale, and doing a...

basename --help

  produces a...

Notkun: basename NAFN [ENDING]
   eða: basename FLAGG
Skrifa NAFN án leiðandi efnisyfirlita
Ef gefið, fjarlægja hangandi endingu.

  --help      vísa þessa aðstoð og hætta
  --version   vísa útgáfu upplýsingar og hætta

Gefðu skýrslu um galla til sh-utils-bugs@gnu.ai.mit.edu

  instead of ...

Usage: basename NAME [SUFFIX]
  or:  basename OPTION
Print NAME with any leading directory components removed.
If specified, also remove a trailing SUFFIX.

  --help      display this help and exit
  --version   output version information and exit

Report bugs to sh-utils-bugs@gnu.ai.mit.edu

  which occurs when under the 'C' locale.

Now, how about a full NLS support under Debian... GNU is going International,
as they are saying.  So, why not make a package that provides 'libc.cat'
files and 'packag.po' files for locales.

So, how about it guys?

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