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netstd upgrade modifies inetd.conf

My computer is mono-user, so I my account and the root account
have no password.
As I am sometimes connected to the internet, I disabled almost every
entries in /etc/inetd.conf to be safe.

The problem is that an upgrade of netstd has reenabled most of this
entries (rlogin, telnet, ...), which I did not notice at once. Looking
to the postinst script of netstd I have seen that this upgrade
behaviour should occur only when entries had been disabled with
update-inetd (this was my case) which prefix them with "#<off>#". 

I think this is very misleading. I have seen nowhere documented that
update-inetd is reserved for configuration script and should not be
used by the adminstrator. But if he uses it, an upgrade may render his
system insecure.

Have I missed some documentation that explains this problem? I think
there should be a warning in the update-inetd man page.


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