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Re: Virtual Hosting

On Sun, 08 Dec 1996 14:50:56 EST tomk%westgac3@dragon.com wrote:

> Excuse my ignorance, but what is a virtual host? (and what would be the
> advantages to having one?)

A virtual host is a supplemental name attached to a machine. Typically ISP which host web services (www.yourcompany.com) don't have a machine per domain and use virtual hosts to provide all the various web services on a single server.
For this, you need to attach several names to the same IP address (trivial with DNS), and have servers which can distinguish between the various names of the same interface. Packets to various domains/addresses will all arrive on the same IP address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, and the server must know how this IP address was called (www.yourcompany.com).


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