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Debian 1.1 and 8GB hard disks

Well, i have been running a seagate external 8GB on a p100 with a aha2940
using a slackware distribution and kernel 1.3.85

My new computer came in, a p166, so I decided to repartition my drives,
now that I am using the best linux distribution in the world :)

The problem is, I am trying to mke2fs that drive, after running fdisk, and  
it reports an error something like "cant resolve symbol llseek", so for
now, I have lost the 8gigs that were on the drive (it was backed up) and
cant use my new computer with debian, unless one of you know whats wrong. 

Perhaps I should wait until the system is completely installed, and then
fdisk/mke2fs the big drive?

A prompt response would be greatly appreciatied, as monday is going to be
here soon.


Walter L. Preuninger II                waldo on #unix at irc.wasteland.org
walterp@rapidramp.com                  <http://walterp.rapidramp.com>

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