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Missing Package

Some Debian packages ask me for some package I didn't see for a while
(though I know they exist). They're the pgp_us (althought if someone can 
say to me where I can find the the International package) and the pbmplus 
package. I'm looking too for the kaffe and the povray package if they exist.

Also, I would like to know if someone know a good vrml browser for Linux?

Thanx a lot!

Little Billy goes to the zoo:
 " Looks mom! an elephant like those on the Internet! "
Fabien Ninoles aka Baggus Mage      || Not knowing where you go
Ninf01@gel.usherb.ca                || always lead you to a 
http://www-edu.gel.usherb.ca/ninf01 || Baggus End...

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