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Re: dselect ftp through fire-wall

It really depends on what firewall you are using.  Where I am we are 
using TIS's (the maker's of the Firewall Toolkit) Gauntlet firewall, it 
allows for transparent access if you make the firewall the default 
gateway of your computer.

However, if your firewall doesn't allow transparent access, then you need 
to do a little experiment.  When we ran the Firewall Toolkit, it required 
you to do a three step process.  
	1.  Ftp to the firewall
	2.  connect to ftp sight by typing username@what.sight.you.want
	3.  type in the needed password.

This matches up well with the normal ftp method.
	1.  Ftp to what.sight.you.want
	2.  type in username
	3.  type in password

So what might work for you is to set the ftp sight to your firewall, set 
the username to "anonymous@ftp.debian.org" (or whatever ftp sight you use) 
and set your password as your "username@your.sight".  
It might be a little different for your firewall, but if it would take 
you manually three steps to get out, you should be able to automate for 

Hope this helps,

Shaya Potter

On Fri, 30 Aug 1996, Martin Fehlhaber wrote:

> I sure hope this is not a FAQ...
> How is it possible to use the ftp access from within dselect to reach
> through a fire-wall system? Alternatives?
> Thanx,
> -- 
> Martin Fehlhaber
> lo1be.mfehlh01@eds.com

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