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Re: a4.sty and a4wide.sty

In message <[🔎] 199608251856.OAA05269@sgk.tiac.net>, "Susan G. Kleinmann" writes:
>Hi Hakan --
>You asked:
>> I have latex 2e-7 installed, but I can't find  a4.sty a4wide.sty, in which 
>> package are they?
>I think the Latex-2e approach is not to use .sty files, but to use .cls
>(class) files.  Support for a4 letter paper is built into the article.cls
>file, for example, but the option a4paper.
>So, to get output formatted for a4 paper, you would invoke the article style
>this way:
>\documentclass[titlepage, oneside, a4paper, 11pt]{article}
>where the options "titlepage", "oneside", "11pt", etc., are all 
>optional (!); I just put them there to illustrate that you can have more
>than 1 option in the [].  I also added the statements regarding
>"usepackage" as a further example of package-loading in latex-2e.
>If you'd like to read more about this, you might want to get a copy
>of the boot "The LaTeX Companion", by Goosens, Mittelbach, and Samarin.
>Susan Kleinmann
As the normal a4paper is not very wide, my office mate wrote a package
to get bigger text-width.
It can be invoked vai  \usepackage{realA4}.
Options are nohead, if no headers are used, and symetric, to place the 
text in the middle of the page


% realA4.sty
% REALLY use A4 paper (based on longlines.sty)
% (c) 1995, 1996, Christian Cachin (cachin@inf.ethz.ch)
% USAGE:  (in LaTeX2e only)
% \documentclass{anyclass}
% \usepackage[nohead,symmetric]{realA4}
% The optional `nohead' specifies that no headings will be used in the document
% and  therefore, the space reserved for it by LaTeX can be used for text.
% The optional `symmetric' specifies that even with the `twosided' option
% the main text is centered on the page.
% The following is just the code to calculate \textwidth and several widths
% that depend on it, copied 1-to-1 from classes.dtx.

\ProvidesPackage{realA4}[\filedate\space\fileversion\ the real A4 page layout]

\advance\textheight by \headheight%
\advance\textheight by \headsep%
\headheight 0pt%
\headsep 0pt}


\setlength\paperheight {297mm}
\setlength\paperwidth  {210mm}

\voffset 0pt
\topmargin 0pt                                                                 
\ifcase \@ptsize                                                               
    \textheight 54\baselineskip                                                
    \textheight 47\baselineskip                                                
    \textheight 43\baselineskip                                                
\advance\textheight by \topskip                                                




  \setlength\@tempdima        {\paperwidth}
  \addtolength\@tempdima      {-\textwidth}
  \setlength\oddsidemargin    {\@symmetrya\@tempdima}
  \addtolength\oddsidemargin  {-1in}
  \setlength\marginparwidth   {\@symmetryb\@tempdima}
  \addtolength\marginparwidth {-0.4in}
  \setlength\@tempdima        {\paperwidth}
  \addtolength\@tempdima      {-\textwidth}
  \setlength\oddsidemargin    {.5\@tempdima}
  \addtolength\oddsidemargin  {-1in}
  \setlength\marginparwidth   {.5\@tempdima}
  \addtolength\marginparwidth {-.4in}
\ifdim \marginparwidth >2in
\setlength\evensidemargin  {\paperwidth}

  Jan Camenisch                                                    
  Institut fuer theor. Informatik                  Tel. +41 1 632 7412
  ETH Zentrum, IFW                                 Fax. +41 1 632 1172
  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland            e-mail: camenisch@inf.ethz.ch -       
  URL of my hompage           http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/camenisc

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