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/dev/psaux problems

Hello All,

   I finally got around to upgrading my 93R6 syatem upto 1.1.5 (at least
that's what the I-Connect CD says). The X11 install went fine (used a saved
copy of XF86Config) until I try to start X. It complains that it can't open
the mouse which is set to /dev/psaux. This files exists and has the right
permissions, major and minor numbers:

> ls -al /dev/psaux
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     sys       10,   1 Dec 31  1969 /dev/psaux

   If I try to "cat" the file, though, I get the following error:

> cat /dev/psaux
cat: /dev/psaux: No such device

   I think I'm missing a driver, but I certainly don't see anything
resembling "PS/2 mouse driver" during the "Configure Drivers" portion of the
install. I would have expected this to be built into the Standard kernel
(which is the one I selected). Does anyone know what I'm missing and how to
install it?

Thanks in advance,


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