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Re: debian mirror in Australia

At 04:15 PM 8/13/96 +1000, you wrote:
>Are there any other mirrors of ftp.debian.org in Australia besides
>sunsite.anu.edu.au and ftp.debian.org.au? Both of these two seem to
>be a bit behind with their mirroring, but the link to the US
>is very very slow lately; looks like it's going to take hours
>to get the updated manual pages .. :-(

ftp.tower.net.au (aka ftp.debian.org.au) isn't outdated, it's simply offline
due to a scsi cdrom problem (we're working on this at the moment) - in fact
mirror last run last night and there weren't many files to get from debian.org.

It should be back up within a few days after we've isolated the problem
further - in the mean time you may like to try getting them from
ftp.it.com.au:/mirrors/linux/debian, however I don't know how up-to-date
they are.



Karl Ferguson, 
Tower Networking Pty Ltd (ACN: 072 322 760)        karl@tower.net.au
t/a STAR Online Services                           karl@debian.org
Tel: +61-9-455-3446  Fax: +61-9-455-2776           http://www.star.net.au/

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