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I send this to the list, cos apparently the email-address of the 
maintainer in the package-description is wrong:

I have just installed the slrn-package (I was already using it, but 
compiled it myself and placed it in /usr/local/), and I have two questions:

1. Is it right that slrn is compiled with SLRN_LIB_DIR as 
/usr/local/lib/slrn ? 'strings -a slrn' suggests so. Maybe it isn't a bad 
idea to change this into /usr/lib/slrn or /etc/news or so.

2. Version 0.8.7 is out. Any plans for an update?


| Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL  |
|   boekhold@cindy.et.tudelft.nl boekhold@gopher.library.tudelft.nl   |
|                  Take life as a party!                              |

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