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Re: modules problems


> CONFIG_MODULES and CONFIG_KERNELD should be yes for modules and no for 
> monolithic kernel.
> I still have no idea what CONFIG_MODVERSIONS is for :-(

If you simply enter '?' in newer Kernels, you will get the Explanation:
(from linux/Documentation/Configure.help:

# Enable loadable module support
#  Kernel modules are small pieces of compiled code which can be
#  inserted in or removed from the running kernel, using the
#  programs insmod and rmmod. This is described in the file
#  Documentation/modules.txt. Modules can be device drivers, file
#  systems, binary executable formats, and so on. If you think that
#  you may want to make use of modules with this kernel in the future,
#  then say Y here. If unsure, say Y.

# Set version information on all symbols for modules
#  Usually, modules have to be recompiled whenever you
#  switch to a new kernel. Enabling this option allows you
#  to keep using the same modules even after compiling a new kernel;
#  this requires the program modprobe. All the software needed for
#  module support is in the modules package in
#  sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/kernel, available via ftp (user:
#  anonymous). NOTE1: if you say Y here but don't have the program
#  genksyms (which is also contained in the above mentioned modules
#  package), then the building of your kernel will fail. NOTE2: if you
#  say Y here, then you cannot say Y to the PPP driver, below; the only
#  option is to compile it as a module (PPP is a protocol for sending
#  internet traffic over telephone lines). Therefore, N is a safe bet.

(modprobe is used by debian automatically)

# Kernel daemon support
#  Normally when you have selected some drivers and/or filesystems
#  to be created as loadable modules, you also have the responsibility
#  to load the corresponding module (via insmod/modprobe) before you
#  use it.  If you select Y here, the kernel will take care of this
#  all by itself, together with a user level daemon; "kerneld".
#  Note that "kerneld" will also automatically unload all unused
#  modules, so you don't have to use "rmmod" either.
#  There are some other "kernel callouts" that will be available
#  later on, such as a user level "beeper" and a generic screen blanker.
#  The "kerneld" daemon is included in "modules-1.2.8" and later.

  (OO)      -- Bernd_Eckenfels@Wittumstrasse13.76646Bruchsal.de --
 ( .. )  ecki@lina.{inka.de,ka.sub.org}  http://home.pages.de/~eckes/
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