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/etc/hostname, Contents?


 My problems concerning
        lprm <job>; permission denied!?

 are solved now.  After having a look over the lpr package it turned
out, that a compare between "welfa4" (my hostname?!) and
"welfa4.elektro.uni-wuppertal.de" didn't match in function
"isowner()", so the neat permission denied message.  Now, I changed
 to hold my full host name, and lprm works.  The question is, as I
remember a similar posting in the past about talk problems:

   --> What exactly has to be  now in /etc/hostname?   Is
   --> my correction  correct or  is  lpr still  buggy at
   --> that point?   (I'm sure it  is,  at least for that
   --> misleading message!!!!!).


Uni Wuppertal, FB Elektrotechnik, Tel/Fax: (0202) 439 - 3009
Dr. Andreas Wehler;  wehler2@welfa4.elektro.uni-wuppertal.de

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