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Re: PPP Chatscript problem

Looking at your chat script and log, I don't think the problem is in the
chatscript.  If you look at the log, you'll see:

Dec 244 15:44:44 tardis chat[369]: CONNECT 1400/

This is the suspicious part... 1400 baud?  in the MS Windows example you


So the answer should be in the speed of the line, your modem is connected
to... and wether your modem is setup to adapt its line speed... and wether
that line speed will result in a greater/lesser speed than the line you
are running between your computer and the modem.  If you're running PPP
or DIALD use:

speed {n | n is greater or equal to your modems maximum speed}

To set the speed... else you can always direct connect yourself with the
modem, by:

cu -l /dev/ttyS{n|0 <= n <= the number of serial ports on your machine}

and use the combination ASCIITILDE DOT from your keyboard to disconnect
from the line... thus, you can see first hand, whatever is happening
when dialing your provider... and provide that information to your

Ørn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@halmstad.mail.telia.com
                                    fax; +46 035 217194

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