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Scott Barker wrote:
> Further info on my upgrade:
> I just noticed that some daemons were not re-started during the upgrade,
> notably cron. I believe lpr and ypbind were also not restarted.
Yes, quite a nuisance, happened here just as well. 
And as expected it whipped out the Accelerated X installation, but a quick
Xinstall from this products subdirectory fixed that.

What is really annoying and downright dangerous though is the fact that
like with another update in past the system forgot it's runlevel during 
this session. So a reboot resulted in a hard one, with a long time fsck'ing
13GB of HDs and INN (where's 1.5? ;-) nor Squid (where's 1.10? ;-) where
too happy either and did spend some more time doing a renumber and
slow restore respectively...
This will teach me to do a manual shutdown of major subsystems the next

Mata ne,

  // <CB> aka Christian Balzer, Tannenstr. 23c, D-64342 Seeheim, Germany
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