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Problem with Kernal Source 2.0.27_1.00

 I am in the process of setting up my machine to run debian,
 everything has been running reasonably well until now.  I downloaded
 the kernal-source-2.0.27_1.00.deb and attempted to compile a custom
 kernal.  I get most of the way through the make zImage phase and the
 process stops with the following error message 
 as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
 make[1]: as86: Command not found
 After perusing the makefile I decided to add a symlink:
 usr/include/as86 -> usr/include/as
 Now the compile breaks with this error:
 as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
 as86: unrecognized option -0
 I am using gcc and binutils as the Changes file
 recommends.  I also made the symlinks that Linus calls out in the
 README file.
 All of the packages that seem connected to this were loaded using
 Dselect-ftp with an updated Packages file tonight.  This system has
 been up less than a week, so it isn't too cluttered with outdated
 Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks

"Less is more; more or less."
	-Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe (Sort of)

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