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Re: Debian on Infomagic CD

At 11:21 AM 12/8/96 -0500, Shaya Potter wrote:

>This isn't exactly true.  A package can go into non-free if commercial 
>use is not allowed.  A CD manufacturer can then put the package on the CD 
>if they make a notice that commercial use is prohibited.  At least this 
>is how I understand it.

That's true too.  But I'm sure that a CD manufacturer would probobly rely on
Debian to sort out what's right and wrong - I winbder if they actually weed
through all the source looking to see if it's GNU/Freeware etc.

Another point is that 'commercial' use is rather deceiving - If a
manufacturer was to put non-free packages on a CD set then they should
release two versions of the same CD (that's just my opinion, others will
undoubtedly disagree).

In any case, to be safe, they most likely won't include it (they never have


Karl Ferguson, 
Tower Networking Pty Ltd (ACN: 072 322 760)   karl@tower.net.au
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