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I'll try Debian 1.2 some other time

Hi Guys and Gals -

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me with building a custom kernel in
Debian 1.1.  Unfortunately I got quite frustrated near by mid-afternoon
today (Eastern US time) and I decided to reinstall my Slackware 3.0 from
tape.  It is unfortunate that I was not able to smoothly make the
transition to Debian but I have been using slackware for a while now and I
am familiar with how it works.  It is true that maintaining slackware can
be troublesome at times but with it I feel more in control of my Linux

When Debian Linux 1.2 comes out I will download it again and give it
another try.  Hopefully then it will work out ok.  Thanks again for all
your help.

Juan Casero
email: jcaser01@fiu.edu

				- Redeemed by Linux

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