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Re: Netscape and libc5.4.7

"Brian C. White" <bcwhite@verisim.com> writes:

> I'm curious how much problems you had using just libc 5.4.7.  I started
> netscape without the PRELOAD line and it worked fine.

Practically any java code will crash it.  Try http://www.gamelan.com/

> I have since restarted it as you list above (well, using $* instead
> of "$@"), so I didn't use it straight for long.

You should "$@" as otherwise it will break if you give arguments with
spaces in them.  (It'll split them.)

> It's true that you don't need to patch it any more to use it with
> Debian, though it still runs a bit better with the patch.  It finds
> the global mime.types & mailcap, among other things.

Oops, I forgot about that.  I just symlinked them from /usr/local/lib
to /etc.  I never felt comfortable with editing the actual binary, and
I don't mind if it puts its other files in /usr/local/lib.


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