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gcc + objc support-- debianized package available

I have made gcc with objc multithreading support (snapshot 960906) available via:


It is a debianized package; ie-- it is designed to be installed under Debian linux.  The '-2' is simply because the source package I downloaded off of one of the debian source mirrors was '-1';  this is an incremental improvement over '-1', so it is '-2'... 


I am now in the process of building gstep-base as a debianized i386 package;  unfortunately, I'm not sure which tests are supposed to work and which aren't.  Several are currently causing bus errors and the like.  The threads package seems to work-- ie; the dining philosophers all have a merry time taking turns eating...  

There was some difficulty in configuring the project correctly-- neither

CFLAGS= ... LIBS= ... ./configure


./configure CFLAGS='..' LIBS='...' 

correctly propagated the appropriate LIBS and CFLAGS into the actual build.  So, I did the following:

make CFLAGS='-D_MIT_POSIX_THREADS' LIBS='-lpthreads'
cd checks

Currently-- the following tests fail (note: these are only the tests that catstrophically failed... since I'm not familiar with what the output SHOULD be, I can't say if any of the tests didn't fail for some other reason).  As well, keep in mind that gstep-base is not complete (is it?):

'make bundles' fails [so, of course, nsbundle fails too]:

gcc -Xlinker -r -o LoadMe.bundle/LoadMe \
        LoadMe.o MyCategory.o SecondClass.o
ld: cannot open -lc: No such file or directory
make: *** [LoadMe.bundle/LoadMe] Error 1


36-redmud % ./nshashtable
zsh: 22167 abort      ./nshashtable

nsnotification looks questionable:

41-redmud % ./nsnotification     
Got %@
Got %@ without object
Got %@ without object
Got %@ without object

47-redmud % ./nstimer
TestDouble is NaN
TestDouble 2 is 12345678912345.000000
testDouble is 92345678912345.000000
test_double is 92345678912345.000000
time interval since now -0.000165
zsh: 22180 segmentation fault  ./nstimer


65-redmud % ./tcpport-server 
Waiting for connections.
zsh: 22207 segmentation fault  ./tcpport-server

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