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Re: Expiring mail "articles" in a region in Gnus?

Yves Arrouye <Yves.Arrouye@marin.fdn.fr> writes:

> I'd like to know how it is possible to expire mail "articles" in the
> current region in Gnus. I'm not knowledgeable about Gnus so I can't write
> it mself, but if someone has an idea or can help me, this would be great...

Just select the messages and hit `E'.  Most of the gnus commands use
the same convention to figure out which messages to operate on.  Given
a prefix, they'll operate on the next N messages; given a region and
if transient-mark-mode is t, they'll operate on the region; otherwise
they'll operate on the current message.

The documentation on Gnus is very well written.

> Also, someone sent me a nice intro to using Gnus to read mail. I lost it :-(
> If you read this message, please, send it again.

I think that was Rob <osiris@cs.utexas.edu>.


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