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Re: New User

Hi Craig --

> My next step is to setup ftape, and 
ftape is built into the kernel; perhaps you are talking about some kind
of configuration.  (I don't use ftape so I don't know what is involved.)

> find out why most of the application and games do not work from 
> xwindows' menu.  
What have you tried?  That is, have you tried customizing your fvwmrc
(or whatever is appropriate)?  As a matter of fact, are you using the
fvwm window manager or some other one?  

> I can't start additional xterm windows.  
Do you mean that when you type "xterm &" at the commandprompt, you don't
get another X window?  How much memory does your system have?

> Also, I'm not to sure as to using loopback only for modeming in to an 
> Internet Service Provider (ISP) or not to use loopback only.  
I don't understand this question.

> Even though there seems to be lots of documentation, hardly any 
> of it is straight forward enough for me to enable me to follow a 
> step by step guide for installing and configuring Debian.  
(This might sound facetious but I'm serious:)  If/when you find documentation
that is confusing, would you please make some notes, and report that
to the list (or just to me if you prefer)?  I think most developers
agree that there's a lot of room for improvement in the documentation,
but it is sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees.

When I first started using Linux a couple of years ago, I forced myself
to keep a directory with my own questions in it.  That later evolved into
a set of micro-HOWTO pages that I later put on the WWW, and which (as I
can see from the blinking lights on my Bitsurfr) are frequently used by
others.  (They still need lots of editing and updating.)  Anyway, just
writing down your questions may be useful to you as well as to the rest
of the project.

> I'm using the fixed-buzz packages and I'm not sure which bug reports 
> apply.  
Bug reports are supposed to begin with a package name as well as a version
number.  So your confusion should (in principle) apply only to bug 
reports which themselves have a formatting bug.

> Is there someone out there who would be willing to talk 
> me through configuring my system?  
I'll be happy to help where I can.  Feel free to email me privately
while you're getting set up.

Susan Kleinmann

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