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This message is an example of the problem I mentioned earlier.

The actual message is "File pgptemp.$01 has signature but no text."

|"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
|"Casper BodenCummins:
|"> After reading your posts, I'm coming around to the view that two groups
|"> - debian-user and debian-install - would be best. There is perhaps
|"> insufficient non-technical discussion to warrant a separate list.
|"We already have the debian-talk list (send mail to
|"majordomo@ion.com.au for info).
|"Please read <http://www.iki.fi/liw/mail-to-lasu.html> before mailing me.
|"Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list.
|"Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
|"Version: 2.6.2i
|"-----END PGP MESSAGE-----

Ronald van Loon (ronald@and.nl)

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