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Booting problems

	I'm running into a problem with one, lone Linux box right now.
After the BIOS bootstraps, the drive and CD-ROM and recognized, and the 3.5"
floppy is seen, instead of saying "LILO" as a preface to LILO's booting into
Linux, the following comes up:


(where x == /dev/hdax according to whichever partition is enabled as the
active partition--I get "2FA:" if it tries to boot off of /dev/hda2 or
"3FA:" for /dev/hda3)

	When this problem first came up, I found that I'm able to boot via
floppy into Linux--but the partition table was fine, as was LILO and the
/etc/lilo.conf file.  I did a full reinstall onto /dev/hda2 anyway, with the
same result.  The full, initial install onto /dev/hda3 was just another
attempt at it (that partition is earmarked for NT on the machines in my
cluster), but I got "3FA:" instead.  (Just booting into Linux and leaving it
at that isn't an option.  Because it's a cluster machine, I need it to boot
off of the HD so I can BIOS-lock the floppy out of the boot cycle.)
	I did have this problem on a second machine, but a full reinstall
took care of it--but didn't teach me anything.  Neither machine had any more
on it than the five-floppy initial installation set puts on it.  I'm using

David winters+@cs.cmu.edu
Office: 3503 WeH, x86720

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