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gs 3.53 and up

I have had a problem using ghostscript verisons 3.53 up through 4.00
in the standard distributions.  Specifically, when I try to use gs
with *any* device be it the console, X, or a printer, I get errors
like the following with the standard distribs and compiled versions:

Error: /limitcheck in --moveto--
Operand stack:
   1   0   0   0
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   ()   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
--nostringval--   false   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
--nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:645/653--   --dict:0/20--   --dict:42/200--
Current allocation mode is local
Current file position is 311980

Now, the wierd parts.  First, these errors don't occur every time, and
they don't occur in the same place every time.  Second, the exact save
.ps file sent through gs 2.whatever or gs >= 3.53 *compiled with
optimizations turned off* works perfectly.  This evidence leads me to
believe that there is nothing wrong with my postscript source (not
that I wrote it by hand.  I came straight from dvips.).  I have solved
the problem personally by downloading gs 4.00 and compiling it with no
gcc optimizations.  However, I have to install it in /usr/local/
because I didn't have a functioning debianized version.  This means I
either have to keep a broken gs 3.x or working gs 2.x installed in
/usr/bin or I have to deal with dependency problems because dpkg
doesn't know I have gs installed in /usr/local.

What I am looking for is one of the following (in order of

1.  A debianized gs 4.0 with the problem solved so that everything is
hunky dory (sp?).

2.  A debianized gs >= 3.x with the problem solved.

3.  A debianized version of gs 4.0 with optimizations turned off
(not the best choice).

4.  A debianized version of gs >= 3.x with optimizations turned off
(beggers can't be choosers).

If any of these can be mainstreamed, even better.

Please help me if you can?  I am willing to give you any more
information that you want.  

P.S.  I did try the recommended bug-search algorithm with gs 4.0 to no

Ervin Walter

                                 (o o)
Different all twisty a of in                         - edwalter@usa.net
maze are you, passages little.              - edwalter@msn.fullfeed.com

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