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Re: stty vs setserial

>>>>> Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> I can point setserial at a particular port, but can't seem to tell it to
> set the stop bits to two.

By the way, having 7 data bits and 2 stop bits should be equivalent to
having 8 data bits without parity generation and 1 stop bit.  This is
because the data bits are sent least significant bit first, and a stop
bit is the same as a zero data bit.

You might therefore want to try
  stty cs8 -parenb -cstopb

One reason you may want to have it set up this way, is if your
terminal has a meta key, and you use emacs.  A true meta key simply
turns on the msb of a generated character.

Steve Preston (spreston@gte.com)

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